Customer reviews
Solid beginners scope
Review by 0rfanidis on 31.07.2021 13:11:45( 3 / 5 )
For some reason when i got the scope it had the manual of a different one. Putting that aside i was able to see the major planets fairly well, but unexpectedly after 7months of use, the mounting broke down and the gears where often slipping even though the clutches were tightened as hard as possible. The star finder has very severe colour abberation and focusing issues and the included barlow lens is borderline unsuable, because its optics are made of acrylic. Even though i was able to get acceptable imaging from the 25mm eyepiece paired with a 5x barlow i bought. I wasnt able to even approach the same clarity when using the 10mm eyepiece even though the zoom was the same. The OTA on it's own is solid but the mounting and accessories are of questionable quality.
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