The Acuter brand offers a selection of innovative and high-quality products. At the forefront are the two altazimuth mounts, the Acuter Merlin multi-function mount and the Acuter Merlin GoTo mount for astronomical applications. These are widely used and are also very popular with panoramic photographers.
Acuter also offers high-quality spotting scopes at reasonable prices. With the NatureClose series, the eyepieces are interchangeable and so can be perfectly adapted to your needs. The particularly compact Maksutov Cassegrain spotting scope is also very interesting.

Solar telescope ST 40/400 ELITE PHOENIX 40
$ 1,240.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

ST 80/400 SOLARUS-80 Suntracker AZ
$ 660.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

ST 80/400 SOLARUS-80 OTA
$ 227.00
ready for shipping in 24