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The Deep Sky Imager RGB Color Filter Set comes with high quality red, green, and blue interference filters plus an infra-red (IR) blocking filter. Upgrade your DSI PRO, DSI PRO II or DSI PRO III monochrome (black and white) CCD imager for color imaging. All filters feature multiple high transmission coatings and are constructed from strong 3mm thick glass for durability.
Designed specifically for the Deep Sky Imager PRO monochrome cameras, this filter set allows for tri-color imaging though the individual red, green and blue filters. The three resulting images when stacked via your image processing software (included with all Meade DSI models) forms a color image of outstanding quality.
All filters are mounted in a standard 1.25" diameter non reflective black anodized ring and are optically flat. This ensures you will not need to re-focus when switching between different colored filters. The mounting thread on these filters is compatible with standard filter wheels from other manufacturers.