THE AVALON INSTRUMENTS brand was founded around 10 years ago, offering innovative, high-quality products aimed at both amateurs and experts alike.
The brand is owned by DS Group, a company that has been active in the field of precision mechanics, mould design and plastic moulding for 40 years. The company is based in the province of Lazio, Italy, and employs 50 members of staff.

StarGo Stand Alone Controler WiFi
$ 1,500.00
Our price:
$ 1,430.00
ready for shipping in 3-5

StarGo Stand Alone Controler Bluetooth
$ 1,490.00
Our price:
$ 1,310.00
ready for shipping in 3-5
Production is carried out using highly innovative technologies including CAD-CAM programming and the latest generation of CNC machines.
The Avalon project arose from the passion for astronomy of Luciano Dal Sasso, the founder and owner of the DS Group. He has transformed his astronomical knowledge into innovative astronomical devices.